Jaevon Boxhill:
Your Voice on the
Mount Vernon City Council
Jaevon epitomizes integrity and professionalism.
Jaevon obtained a degree in Economics and Finance from Lehman College and a Law Degree from Albany Law School. Jaevon is also a proud product of the Mount Vernon Public Schools System. He attended Graham Elementary School, Davis Middle School, and Mount Vernon High School. Originally born in Jamaica, the City of Mount Vernon raised and nurtured Jaevon. He, his wife, and his children proudly call Mount Vernon home.
Jaevon has been in public service for over a decade, starting as an accountant in the Mount Vernon Comptroller’s office before rising to 1st Deputy Comptroller, overseeing all financial operations for the City of Mount Vernon. In that capacity, he managed one of the most successful auctions of City-owned properties ever for the City of Mount Vernon, generating over $3 million in much-needed revenue. In the process, he stabilized neighborhoods by restoring abandoned and blighted properties to the tax roll.
Jaevon then worked as the fiscal analyst for the Westchester County Board of Legislators, and he was part of the team that secured $29.9 million that was used to rebuild Memorial Field. Jaevon is now a Senior Budget Analyst for Westchester County. He oversees and implements an annual budget of over $2.3 billion, funding everything from the county airport, the correctional facility in Valhalla, the county police department, childcare facilities, and first-class parks and green spaces.
Jaevon loves Mount Vernon and knows he can help improve it. He is fully invested in the betterment of Mount Vernon. This City has given him so much, and he is ready to give back. He is passionate about the community and will undoubtedly make a positive impact.
Having worked for the City of Mount Vernon and now at the County level, Jaevon has a unique perspective on what works and what can be improved. He has new ideas and vision for the City of Mount Vernon; he's determined to bring back financial stability and regain Mount Vernon's Triple-A bond rating.
Help Jaevon win this election so he can get to work! Handing out flyers, speaking to your neighbors, and donating to his campaign are great ways to help, but he would also like to hear from you! Together, we can find solutions so Mount Vernon can improve. Please, reach out and get involved!
I am committed to restoring the financial stability of Mount Vernon. I will work tirelessly with fellow elected officials and the community to regain our AAA bond rating. A strong credit rating will save taxpayer dollars and allow the city to improve its infrastructure through capital projects.
My goal is to create an environment that fosters economic growth and development. I will explore all possible avenues to help move the city forward, by exploring new revenue sources, securing grants for the city and pursuing cost-saving measures. I will continue to support our local businesses and let it be known that Mount Vernon is a welcoming, business-friendly City.
Together, we will collaborate with community leaders and stakeholders to create a brighter future for our Mount Vernon.